World AIDS Day


A Reminder of the World’s AIDS: Women and girls are at higher risk for AIDS and HIV in the presence of gender-based violence. Moreover, unprotected sexual relations, early marriage, and forced marriage increase this risk. 🚫

Let’s combat against gender-based violence and AIDS together for the sake of global health! By promoting education and awareness about safe sex practices, we can empower women and girls to protect themselves from the risk of HIV and AIDS.

Also, providing accessible healthcare services and support networks can play a crucial role in breaking this devastating cycle. Let’s work together to create a world where everyone can live free from violence and disease! 🌍

Provide anonymous access to tests for #AWorldFreeFromAIDS!
Access to treatment should be possible for everyone for #AWorldFreeFromAIDS!
In countries with access to treatment, HIV infection rates have halved in the last 10 years.