Since the first day of the earthquake, The Development Workshop, MEDAK, and HERA have started field studies within the scope of cooperation focused on health and development to cooperate with different institutions and organizations, conduct short, medium, and long-term studies and develop projects on humanitarian aid, education, social and economic development, access to health services, and psycho-social support in the provinces and districts affected by the earthquake.
We're thrilled to share we've been selected for Fast Forward's 2021 Accelerator! The only program focused exclusively on supporting tech nonprofits, the Accelerator will help us scale our impact through a $25K unrestricted grant, training from seasoned tech nonprofit entrepreneurs, and one-on-one mentoring with experts from top tech companies. Read the announcement here, and stay tuned for an invite to Demo Day, where we and our 10 peers in the program…
We are in continuous effort to establish cooperations to deliver the HERA mobile health application to more refugee women. With this purpose, Dr. Aral Sürmeli, Coşku Arslanboğan and Ayşe Kaşıkırık from our team visited Esenyurt City Council and Esenyurt Municipality Foreign Relations Directorate on June 22. During the meeting, our team gave a presentation titled “HERA: Mobile Health Platform for Increasing Vaccination and Prenatal Care for Syrian Mothers…
On June 20, we attended the "Open Door Meeting", organized by the Global Equality and Inclusion Network (KAPI) on migration. The panel included representatives from municipalities, city councils, non-governmental organizations; academics and experts. Dr. Aral Sürmeli from HERA team gave a presentation titled “HERA: Mobile Health Platform for Increasing Vaccination and Prenatal Care for Syrian Mothers and Children Living under Temporary Protection in Turkey”.
Our topic for June at Open Door (Açık KAPI) Meetings is “migration” You are invited to the "WORLD REFUGEES DAY" panel on June 20th! Date: 20 June 2021 Time: 20:30 Zoom Meeting ID: 895 1280 5953 Passcode: KAPI Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89512805953?pwd=a1htaWRoK203TzMwUVE2WVJGaGtydz09 Moderator: Güney Ferhat Batı, Lecturer & Founding Member of KAPI Speakers: Serdal Gökayaz, Head of Social Services Department, Mersin Metropolitan Municipality Dr. Aral Sürmeli,…
Dr. Aral Sürmeli and Ayşe Kaşıkırık from HERA attended the program, along with refugee women, representatives of non-governmental organizations, and volunteers participating. Our team gave presentations titled “Refugee Women’s Problems in Accessing Health & Solutions”, and “The Importance of Mother and Child Health, and HERA Application”.
On June 10th and 11th, the HERA team participated in the "Migration Processes and Information and Communication Technologies in Turkey Workshop”. Jointly organized by the Association for Migration Research and Université de Neuchâtel, the assembly included representatives from many non-governmental organizations, experts, and academics. The CEO of our team, Dr. Aral Sürmeli gave a speech titled “HERA: A Mobile Health Platform for Increasing the Rate of Vaccination and Prenatal…
Learn more about the HERA App for Refugees - how it works, how to sign up, and what it does! Web Site> project-hera.com
As ACUMEDAK, we had the first activity of the year. We would like to thank 85 people who participated in our event titled “Vaccines, Effects and Vaccination in Society” with the participation of Prof. Dr. Tanıl Kocagöz, Head of the Medical Microbiology Department of our Faculty of Medicine, for their interest and relevance! We would also like to thank our clubmates Müge Halıcı and Berkay Ertuğrul who organized the event.…
As ACUMEDAK, we are happy to announce to you the first event of the year. As ACUMEDAK, we will organize an event with our Faculty of Medicine, Head of the Department of Medicine Microbiology, Prof. Dr. Tanıl Kocagöz on "Vaccines, Effects and Vaccination in Society". In our event; We will discuss topics such as vaccine types, effects and safety of vaccines, vaccine production trials and phases, vaccine perception in the…