Vaccines, Their Effects and Community Vaccination – Announcement
As ACUMEDAK, we are happy to announce to you the first event of the year. As ACUMEDAK, we will organize an event with our Faculty of Medicine, Head of the Department of Medicine Microbiology, Prof. Dr. Tanıl Kocagöz on “Vaccines, Effects and Vaccination in Society”. In our event; We will discuss topics such as vaccine types, effects and safety of vaccines, vaccine production trials and phases, vaccine perception in the community, use of vaccines in epidemics, and vaccine research in the COVID-19 outbreak. At the end of this event, you will have narrated information such as the production, safety and effects of vaccines and use this information to evaluate developments in COVID-19 vaccine studies. As we approach the vaccination phase of the COVID-19 epidemic, we, as ACUMEDAK, are pleased to address such an important issue. We will present you to our event that we will hold from the Zoom application on Monday, December 28, 2020 at 20.30. Our event is open to outside participation. See you on Monday, December 28, 2020 at 20.30, Our event is open to everyone. You can participate via the Zoom link on the profile.